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California Growth

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

We shared our belief that Housing is Essential and lined out UPholdings’ commitments during the COVID-19 pandemic that has deeply impacted all phases of our operations and all phases of our tenant's lives, we remain committed to providing safe housing solutions, now more than ever.

Further, to meet the urgent need for affordable housing in California, UPholdings is increasing capacity to manage California development projects locally with the hire of Kiel Lopez-Schmidt. Kiel is a Fresno based community development leader. Kiel’s earned his BA in architecture from UC Berkeley. He has 15 years of experience that spans architecture, advocacy, urban planning, business management and community development finance. He leaves a role as Central Valley Regional Manager of Community Vision: Capital & Consulting.

UPholdings growth in California began when principal and co-owner, Jessica Berzac returned to her hometown of Fresno in 2012. “When I moved back to Fresno, we were testing the idea that UPholdings model would translate to the California housing ecosystem. We’ve discovered there is a market for our model, as well as financing tools and community partners that have blossomed into an exciting pipeline of projects in the Central Valley.”

Kiel reflects that “I was looking for a place that I could utilize my skills in design, business and community building to have a greater impact in our valley communities. I was drawn to UPHolding’s team and approach that is innovative, nimble, and authentically interested in delivering the quality housing that our communities deserve.“

UPholding is excited to add Kiel’s design experience to the team. Take a look at the landmark 541 @ South Tower mixed use affordable housing project that he worked on with TFS Investments, Fresno Housing Authority and Marvin Armstrong Architect. It’s located in Fresno’s historic Tower District. Kiel’s work included architecture, sign design, branding and marketing through lease up.

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